The new ATO building located at Box Hill, Melbourne comprises approx 19,350 sqm of net leasable area over 13 office levels, with 6 levels of car parking, and also includes two retail tenancies.
This building has been designed to achieve a 5 star Green Star energy rating which means all fitting installed needed to be energy efficient.
To ensure compliance for emergency lighting evacuation an automatic monitoring system was the preferred option although total cost of ownership was a key consideration.
After considering the options the Clevertronics L10 Optimum range was selected combined with a Zoneworks XT monitoring system. The Benefits of L10 Optimum are significant as the product can reduce maintenance costs by over 80% compared to NiCd alternatives due to the unique battery technology of Lithium Nanophosphate.
The Clevertronics system provided the lowest total cost Emergency and Exit lighting solution on the market and while the cost savings expected were significant the Lifetime support that the Clevertronics LTS program provides to all Zoneworks XT customers was a very important factor.
Recent results from the site in May 2016 which is 12 months from the commissioning date has found that the site over this period has achieved an incredible result of less than 1% failure rate.
The actual result was only 4 failures from 780 installed fittings.
To make the result even more impressive there were zero communication faults in the Zoneworks XT monitoring system. This result has exceeded all expectations.